for the most part, is transmitted aerobically. Therefore avoid
being stationary in confined (indoor) public space. Mobile
indoor activities (grocery shopping) pose significantly
less risk. Infection requires an estimated minimum load of
1000 droplets and/or aerosols (micro droplets that remain
suspended in the air like cigarette smoke). An infected person
releases approximately 20/breath.
NEW DEVELOPMENT (December, 2020)
The repurposing of IVERMECTINE for
both pre-emption and treatment. Watch the first
8 minutes of this video.
Prepare a mixture of 50% cheap moisturizer and 50% peroxide.
When going outside (shopping etc), grease nostrils as far as
finger will permit. The unguent (grease) will hold up the virus
while the peroxide decommissions it. At home, blow out the mixture
and reapply when needed.
Wear glasses or tight fitting sun glasses or fake glasses in
crowds (especially indoors). The eye is another entry point
despite natural salinity of eye/tears.
Weather permitting, expose the clothes to sunlight since the
virus 'probably' cannot survive extended exposure to ultraviolet
UPDATE JULY 28TH: The Journal
of Infectious Diseases reports that 90% of coronavirus
particles are deactivated within 10 minutes when exposed to
UV rays from sunlight. (This isn’t to be confused with
temperature or warmth from the sun, which doesn’t have
an effect, according to the World Health Organization. And
you shouldn’t just assume that the sun will disinfect
everything and make you safe).
Limit speech in public (breathing through mouth). In conversation,
sip water when possible: better that the virus be washed into
the stomach than get into the lungs.
After hand washing/rinsing, leave some soap on both hands. Why?
The average person
touches his/her face 20 times/hour.
Soap down all items (groceries) bought into the house.
I.B. = Intelligent Breathing. When distance protocols (especially
indoors) are violated, don't breathe. Take note if you're walking
upwind or downwind and hold breath accordingly. If downwind,
hold breath only when the violator has passed: upwind well before
you enter his/her personal space.
When flying, bring a head covering and open the air vent to
maximum and direct flow accordingly. Wear tight fitting glasses
for duration of flight.
BENE: None of the above is science per se, but
there seems to be no downside to any of the measures.