an american strategic

René Beres is Emeritus Professor of Political Science
and International Law (Purdue University). He is author of many
books and articles dealing with international politics. His
columns have appeared in the New York Times, Washington
Post, The Jerusalem Post and OUPblog
(Oxford University Press). This essay first appeared in
is by nature an expensive commodity,
and those who are risking their all on one cast
find out what it means only when they are already ruined.
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War (416 BCE)
is never a viable foreign policy. For the United States and
its pertinent allies – when all falsely-comforting optics
have been seriously set aside – it will become plain that
Kim Jung Un never have had any genuine intentions to “denuclearize.”
Accordingly, those earlier expectations spawned by the White
House that Pyongyang might somehow destroy its nuclear weapons
and infrastructures (aka “complete denuclearization”)
will be finally discarded.
for US President Donald Trump, this immutable obligation will
come as an unpleasant surprise. He had expressly assumed, after
all, that the two adversarial leaders “fell in love”
upon joining hands in Singapore, and that his relevant international
statecraft could be extrapolated directly from the narrowly
commercial worlds of real estate bargaining and casino gambling.
At that foreseeable stage of diplomatic negotiations, Mr. Trump
will have no choice but to “live with” a nuclear
North Korea, and the United States will have no choice but to
focus on more tangibly meaningful goals.
Most important
of all such goals will be the creation of a durable and mutually
gainful deterrence regime with Pyongyang.
Because these
two already-nuclear adversaries will be starkly asymmetrical
in nuclear military terms (that is, in regard to their respective
nuclear assets and capabilities), Washington will require a
different strategic posture from what successfully obtained
during the Cold War era. Back then, seeking a secure war-avoidance
regime between roughly symmetrical superpowers – the US
and USSR – the accepted security stance was termed “mutual
assured destruction” or “MAD.” That once stable
stance, however, could never be appropriate today between the
US and North Korea.
For just one
notable difference, it would not be safe for an American president
to assume the long-term decision-making rationality of his counterpart
in Pyongyang. Reciprocally, and perhaps even reasonably, Kim
Jung Un might not feel much better about assuming Donald Trump’s
verifiable and durable reliability. The ensuing uncertainties
in Washington and Pyongyang could at some point give rise to
more-or-less irresistible incentives to preempt, either by one
side or the other.
As so little
can ever be predicted about literally unprecedented interactions,
these incentives could become authentically “synergistic.”
Here, the “whole” of any particular crisis outcome
would be cumulatively more damaging than the “mere”
additive sum of its recognizable “parts.” In all
such sui generis kinds of crisis interaction, the only truly
predictable element would be the outcome’s total unpredictability.
It follows, inter alia, that both Donald Trump and Kim Jung
Un ought to be modest about their prospective control over nuclear
events, that is, extremely modest. To be sure, this would not
be a convenient time or occasion for any exaggerated national
expressions of pride, arrogance or immodesty.
Not at all.
Knowing all
this, how should the American president best proceed? To begin,
meeting new and necessary strategic objectives by the United
States should no longer center on fine-tuning “marketing”
decisions made at Trump White House. Going forward, the critical
US security task will necessarily go considerably beyond narrowly
childish presidential assessments. Now, it should involve variously
multi-layered, and many-sided intellectual challenges.
Not by any
means will this daunting task be manageable by those who would
substitute “hope” for analysis.
In essence,
success will never lend itself to proper resolution by an American
president who remains mired in superficial elements of bargaining,
one irremediably intoxicated with showcasing his confused diplomatic
priorities of “attitude” over “preparation.”
Going forward,
among other things, the United States will need to present itself
credibly to North Korea as willing and able to inflict unacceptably
damaging retaliations in response to absolutely any conceivable
levels of nuclear aggression. Although, earlier, President Trump’s
visceral position vis-à-vis Pyongyang had been to threaten
Kim Jung Un with “fire and fury” or “total
destruction,” this was plainly not a sensible approach
to achieving and sustaining long-term nuclear deterrence. However
counterintuitive, Mr. Trump ought quickly understand, the credibility
of US nuclear deterrent threats could vary inversely with the
extent of enemy-threatened destruction.
If the perceived
costs or “disutility” of American retaliatory destruction
were blatantly disproportionate to the initial aggression, US
deterrence could become correspondingly less persuasive.
This unfavorable
outcome would obtain whether the American threats were issued
sotto voce, or loudly, brashly and unambiguously.
In any strict
scientific assessments of pertinent probabilities, such vital
security requirements would represent uncharted waters; there
could exist no fully reliable ways of determining what specific
US deterrent threats were suitable or optimal. Still, it stands
to reason that calibrating American retaliatory threats to the
particular level of expected North Korean harms would generally
offer a more prudent and promising strategy than simply posturing
with various spasmodic, intermittent and across-the-board “MAD-style”
threats of “total destruction.”
In this connection,
it could sometimes be wiser to signal Pyongyang of Washington’s
readiness to wage a “limited nuclear war,” at least
in certain specific conflict scenarios.
Largely, this
is because of the obviously asymmetrical nuclear capacities
between these two prospective enemy states and because Washington
must always seek to minimize the chances of any consequential
misperceptions or strategic misunderstandings by Pyongyang.
Trump will
also need to avoid exaggerating the strategic benefits of “personal
attitude” in crisis-related diplomacy, and to proceed
with a conscientiously fashioned analytic template. This would
be a posture that could account for both the rationality and
intentionality of enemy decision-makers in Pyongyang. In essence,
Washington should soon approach the growing North Korean nuclear
threat from a more disciplined conceptual perspective. This
means factoring into any coherent US nuclear threat assessment
(a) the expected rationality or irrationality of all principal
decision-makers in Pyongyang; and (b) the foreseeable intentional
or unintentional intra-crisis behaviors of these same adversarial
is a net,” quotes (from the German poet, Novalis) the
philosopher of science, Karl Popper, and “only those who
cast, can catch.” In all such bewilderingly complex strategic
matters, nothing can prove to be more practical than good theory.
Always, in science, explanatory generality is the key to specific
meanings and predictions. Having readily at hand such comprehensive
policy clarifications could help guide US President Donald Trump
usefully beyond otherwise vague or simply impromptu appraisals.
Under no circumstances,
this president must be reminded, should such multi-sided crisis
possibilities be assessed (implicitly or explicitly) as singular
or ad hoc phenomena.
is more. Going forward, capable American strategic analysts
guiding the president should enhance their newly-planned nuclear
investigations by first identifying the basic distinctions between
(a) intentional or deliberate nuclear war, and (b) unintentional
or inadvertent nuclear war. The derivative risks resulting from
these (at least) four different types of possible nuclear conflict
are apt to vary considerably. Those American analysts who might
remain too completely focused exclusively upon a deliberate
nuclear war scenario could too-casually underestimate an even
more salient nuclear threat to the United States.
This is the
increasingly plausible threat of unintentional or inadvertent
nuclear war.
One additional
conceptual distinction must now be mentioned and inserted into
any US analytic scenario “mix.” This is the subtle
but still serious difference between an inadvertent nuclear
war and an accidental nuclear war. To wit, any accidental nuclear
war would have to be inadvertent; conversely, however, there
could be certain determinable forms of inadvertent nuclear war
that would not necessarily be accidental.
Most critical
in this connection are various significant errors in calculation
committed by one or both sides – that is, more-or-less
reciprocal mistakes that could lead directly and inexorably
to a genuine nuclear conflict. Here, the most blatant example
would concern assorted misjudgments of enemy intent or capacity
that might somehow emerge during the course of any one crisis
escalation. Such misjudgments would likely stem from an expectedly
mutual search for strategic advantage occurring sometime during
a competition in nuclear risk-taking.
In more expressly
strategic parlance, this would suggest a more-or-less traditional
search for “escalation dominance” in extremis atomicum.
There would
then also need to be various related judgments concerning expectations
of rationality and irrationality within each affected country’s
core decision-making structure. One potential source of unintentional
or inadvertent nuclear war could be a failed strategy of “pretended
irrationality.” A posturing American president who had
too “successfully” convinced enemy counterparts
of his own irrationality could thereby spark an otherwise-avoidable
enemy preemption.
in the other direction, an American president who had begun
to take very seriously Kim Jung Un’s presumed unpredictability
could sometime be frightened into striking first himself. In
this alternate case, Washington would become the preempting
party that might then claim legality for its allegedly defensive
first-strike. In any such “dicey” circumstances,
those US strategists charged with fashioning an optimal strategic
posture would do well to recall Carl von Clausewitz’s
oft-quoted warning (in On War) concerning “friction.”
This “Clausewitzian”
property represents the unerringly vital difference between
“war on paper” and “war as it actually is.”
It’s not a distinction readily determinable by any presidential
It is also possible,
amid such chess-like strategic dialectics, that the first “game”
might end not with an enemy preemption, but instead with Washington
deciding to “preempt the preemption.” Here, US president
Trump, sensing the too-great “success” of his own
pretended irrationality, might quickly foresee Kim’s consequent
insecurity, and then (maybe even quite rationally) decide to
“strike first before the enemy strikes first.”
If this game
were played in the other direction, it might sometime end not
with a US preemption generated by compelling fears of enemy
irrationality, but rather with an enemy first-strike intended
to preempt a then-anticipated American preemption. In any event,
implementing long-term successful nuclear deterrence between
Washington and Pyongyang would be in the best interests of both
parties. US President Donald Trump now has a distinct opportunity
to make calculable progress on the North Korean nuclear problem,
but only if he can finally get beyond the patently futile hope
of eliciting enemy “denuclearization.”
follows, plainly and incontestably, that the best use for American
nuclear weapons in any ongoing US-North Korea negotiation will
be as elements of dissuasion or persuasion, and not as actual
weapons of war. In this regard, the key underlying principle
goes back even before the advent of any nuclear weapons. Remembering
the ancient Chinese strategist Sun-Tzu in his On War
(Chapter 3, “Planning Offensives”): “Subjugating
the enemy’s army without fighting is the true pinnacle
of excellence.”
Donald Trump, there can be no more timely or primary principle
of diplomacy with Kim Jung Un. Recalling also ancient Greek
historian Thucydides, a US presidential knowledge of history
ought soon obtain more conspicuous pride of place. Apropos of
such an always vital knowledge, basing US national security
policies upon vague “hopes” would quickly become
a too-grievously “expensive commodity.”