Loneliness isn’t the physical absence
of other people . . . it’s the sense that you’re
not sharing anything that matters with anyone else.
Johann Hari
Order is Heaven's first law; and, this confessed
Some are, and must be greater than the rest.
Alexander Pope
Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King
Man is a god when he dreams,
And a beggar when he thinks.
When your enemy has no scruples, your own scruples
become another weapon in his hand.
Sam Harris
Alcohol, tobacco and so forth are things that
a saint must avoid, but sainthood is also a thing that human
beings must avoid.
George Orwell
And right, too rigid, harden into wrong.
Alexander Pope
A man's life is not the operation of the exquisite
mechanisms which Providence put inside him.
Ortega y Gassett
The greatness of science is this . . . man learns
to reckon on a more and more comprehensive scale with his own
accidental position in the universe.
Max Scheler
When someone has an accent, it means he knows
one more language than you.
Sydney Sheldon
Will heaven reward us there with the same trash
mad mortals wish for here?
Alexander Pope.
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and to
discover that the prisoner was you.
Lewis B. Smedes.
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the
vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is
Mark Twain
The condition of truth is to allow suffering
to speak.
It is excellent to have a giant's strength
But it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.
Half the confusion in the world comes from not
knowing how little we need.
Richard E. Byrd
A glorious sunset in a painting is not a beautiful
sunset but a great painter's sunset.
André Malraux
Tyranny comes more naturally than art to mediocre
men. Albert Camus
Politics is the art of preventing people from
taking part in affairs which properly concern them. Paul
Behind every great fortune stands the brooding
presence of a great crime. Lewis Lapham
Will not a tiny speck close to our vision blot
out the glory of the world? George Eliot
Character is not cut in marble . . . It is something
living and changing, and may become diseased as our bodies do.
George Eliot
Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. A
wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Bismark
The nature of art is to bind the general to
the particular . . . the greatness of the absurd writer consists
in being to find the exact point where they meet in their greatest
disproportion. Albert Camus
Eternal nothingness is made up precisely of
the sum of lives to come which will not be our own. Albert
Culture is that which man has in his possession
when he has forgotten everything that he has read. Ortega
y Gasset
Only I can know for sure that what I am doing
is a way of not doing something else. Mark Kingwell
All of us are in the gutter, but some of us
are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde
I was conceived on the circus trail by a traveller
who owned a camel and a mother who swung from the ropes. Rawi
We find our path by walking it. Maya Angelou
Every individual who make us suffer can be attached
by us to a divinity. Marcel Proust
The demand for secrecy is scarcely more than
the wish of a sick civilization not to learn the progress of
its own disease. Norbert Wiener
Resentment is the poison we drink hoping it
will hurt others. Nelson Mandela
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
Derek Bok
The worst form of inequality is to try to make
unequal things equal. Aristotle
It's easier to build strong children than repair
broken men. Frederick Douglass
Many a person has gone to their sacophagus by
what they put down their esophagus. Ponsy
What we look for in a good book, painting, music
or conversation? A stretch of runway to take off, and return
us to ourselves.Yahia Lababidi
We have two ears and only one tongue in order
that we may hear more and speak less. Diogenes
If you think education is expensive try ignorance.
Derek Bok
There are worse crimes than burning books. One
of them is not reading them. John Berger
We are all dying of miscellany. Emerson
Civilization began the first time an angry person
cast a word instead of a rock. Freud
I suspect that one might acquire a pretty solid
grasp of the concept of infinity by merely reflecting on the
number of idiots in this world. David Solway
All our final decisions are made in a state
of mind that is not going to last. Proust
Literature is a hatchet with which we chop at
the frozen seas inside us. Kafka
The habit of supplying our ideas from foreign
sources enfeebles all internal strength of thought. William
There are so many who can figure costs and so
few who can measure values. Oscar Wilde
We thank with brief thanksgiving
Whatever gods may be
That no life lives for ever;
That dead men rise up never;
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea.
Fame is the sum of misunderstandings that accrue
around a name. Rainer Maria Rilke
If every man could read the hearts of others
there would be more men anxious to descend than to rise in life.
Jean Jacques Rousseau.
Almost everyman wastes part of his life in attempts
to display qualities which he does not possess. Samuel Johnson.
is not just relationship to objects, to the things we buy, but
it's a way of life, with its assumption of gratification, of
manageable pleasures, and its ultimate inability to equip us
when we're confronted with real suffering. Jennifer Szalia
is God's way of teaching Americans geography. Ambroise Pierce.
could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. Rudyard
essence of being human is that . . . one is prepared in the
end to be defeated and broken up by life, which is the inevitable
price of fastening one's love upon other human individuals.
George Orwell.
real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes,
but in having new eyes. Proust.
abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power. Shakespeare.
believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.
Otto von Bismarck.
is the surplus of our existence over natural being . . . . which
like a wave gathers and poises itself to hurtle beyond its own
limits. Merleau-Ponty
intellectual is in search of a doctrine which shall make great
demands on him and cure him of his subjctivity. Merleau-Ponty
a child doesn't receive, he can seldom give later. P.D.
corruption of reason is shown by the existence of so many different
and extravagant customs. Pascal.