survival of the fittest organizing principles
. . . No wife, no children had he,
and the thinkers of all civilized nations
his posterity.
the non-negotiable drive and desire of every man to want to
project himself, his genes, into the indefinite future. Until
quite recently in human evolution, a man’s fitness was
measured by his survival skills and breeding proficiency.
traits and qualities that constitute evolutionary fitness have
been selected because they best respond to the critical challenges
of a particular environment. In tropical and equatorial climates,
black skin, with six times more melanin, is better suited than
white skin to deal with the sun’s cancer causing ultraviolet
rays. In temperate zone climes, white skin is six times more
receptive than black skin to sunlight and Vitamin D, essential
in the production of calcium. In compact brush, short people
are more likely to survive than tall people, and thus the pygmy.
each of the above situations, the genes responsible for a particular
attribute have been selected for their adaptive qualities while
non-adaptive genes have been eliminated.
we speak of gene fitness, we are referring to a blue-print,
a specific set of instructions that enables the individual,
in the context of a group, to optimally deal with the trials
and hadrships of daily life. Where it is essential to distinguish
prey or natural food from a non-specific background, a primitive
tribe beset by a dominant gene for colour blindness will not
survive. A tribe whose hunters are limited to a spear projection
of 20 meters will be at a disadvantage compared to a tribe whose
best can project that same spear 50 meters. In a lethal contest
over territory, a people that has invented gun powder will have
a significant advantage over another that is still in its bow
and arrow phase.
fitness, pared down to its irreducibles, consists of information
(genotypic) that enables the individual, as it manifests in
his choices and intentional life (phenotypic), to best respond
to the pressures of survival.
civilization requires an elite cadre of caretakers (engineers,
physicists, educators) who are capable of maintaining, operating
and refining the highly complex network of relationships upon
which a given way of life depends. The advances in medicine
and technology that we take for granted implicate not only our
DNA-determined natural attributes but ability to formulate vital
organizing principles (OPs), specific knowledge clusters that
are essential to whatever stage of civilization we happen to
be considering. When a people discovers that boiling water kills
potentially lethal germs, this principle, over time, positively
affects every member of the species. When at a later stage of
development, someone discovers that chlorinating water achieves
a better – more penetrating -- result, that refinement
translates into a further enhancement. These sine qua non
organizing principles are passed on from one generation to the
next because they are essential to the species at each and every
stage of its development. And yet in consideration of posterity,
men continue to hold in highest esteem their procreative clout,
and not their life’s work, which begs the question.
there a case to be made that ideas that have survived hundreds
if not thousands of years are more significant that anyone’s
genetic legacy? Have we failed to make the leap from the revolutionary
evolutionary insights of Charles Darwin to making explicit the
binding relationship between survival of the fittest organizing
principles and the health and well being of the species? In
its wisdom, wouldn't posterity select the inventor of a wonder
drug over his offspring whose influence, until quite recently
in human evolution, would have been restricted to a very limited
geographical range?
live in an age where the most educated and productive members
of society are breeding the least, while the least successful
are breeding the most, resulting in, as some geneticists argue,
the systematic degradation of the human gene pool. For especially
successful but barren men bearing self-induced tragic witness
to their line coming to a dead-end, this trend,
the robust numbers (Homo sapiens is seven billion and counting)
is cause for concern only because men reflexively continue to
disproportionately emphasize breeding fitness over the fitness
of those organizing principles that may have benefited the entire
species. Are not the discoveries of the polio vaccine (Jonas
Salk) and penicillin (Alexander Fleming) of significantly greater
species import than the sum of their discoverers’ progeny?
what about writers who leave us enduring archetypes that enable
us to negotiate the hazards of everyday life and make wiser
decisions as it concerns our dealings with especially those
who would do us harm? Do we not understand better for all time
the nature of power and man's predilection to abuse it thanks
to our fictional encounter with Shakespeare’s Richard
not the music of Mozart reveal what is most civilized and dignified
in the race, such that those who respond to his music are uniquely
qualified to convert those exceptional feelings into existential
prolific breeder may very well extend his seed into hundreds
of future generations but a successful organizing principle
can influence every human being on the planet and become one
of the enduring pillars of wisdom upon which every civilizational
advance rests. One only has to look at a map of the world and
compare countries with high birth rates to countries that produce
the most enduring ideas and ask which ethos (praxis) produces
the fittest nations -- those most likely to prevail when the
going gets rough?
as for the multitude of the unexceptional – the planet’s
essential worker bees -- the smallest of ‘doing the right
thing’ can make a right difference.
discipline of epigenetics, that presupposes certain inheritable
traits as neither strictly biological nor cultural, studies
the transmission of nongenetic patterns and behaviour. A parent’s
or society’s negative or positive self-esteem, manner
in dealing with stress and poverty can be epigenetically passed
on to the child, which explains why someone who has been physically
or psychologically abused during his youth will predictably
become an abuser adult. The simple but exemplary life of Francis
of Assisi (1182-1226) has been an animating force for nearly
a millennium, and directly inspired the new Pope (Jorge Mario
Bergoglio) to adopt the name of Francis I.
there is no escaping the gaze and judgment of the other, we,
influenced and influencer, are inescapably ambassadors of our
beliefs and values. If I was once bad and become good, I will
be seen as such, and there is no telling how far and wide that
OP may travel. As mimetic beings, we are equally predisposed
to imitating a neighbour who cleans up the garbage in front
of his home as the neighbour who does not. As links in the great
chain of cause and effect that extend far beyond any individual’s
life, our choices -- memes sent out into the world -- surely
count for at least as much as our progeny.
different our world would be if we, en masse, made
the gradual degradation of a product (from cars to clothes)
the sole criterion of replacement. By that formula, most automobiles
would last between 15 and 20 years, which would be a pain in
the butt of capitalism’s bottom line but a boon for the
planet. At this stage of human development are we more in need
of more human beings or good ideas?
the most primitive to advanced cultures, we are all born into
worlds that are comprised of millions upon millions of givens
(theres) that are the end result of the evolution, amalgamation
and refinement of countless organizing principles that constitute
civilization. In River Out of Eden, Richard Dawkins
notes that man is now capable of digitally projecting radio
waves into outer space, and that if and when these "pulses
of meaning" are intercepted by intelligent extraterrestrial
life, that foreign life will first encounter not man himself,
but his organizing principles, which should give men serious
pause who belittle themselves for not having left progeny to
posterity. That it is becoming more and more common for women
in their 20s and 30s to be attracted to men in their 50s and
60s, points to the growing recognition that being able to give
birth to and project ideas into the world is what separates
the real men from the boys, and is a virility more and more
women are turning onto.
virility -- that which is most manly in men -- has always been
about the individual’s ability to influence and shape
the future, I propose that we are at the dawn of a new age of
virility, and that the survival of any nation is directly proportional
to the fitness of its organizing principles and the Übermenschen
that give birth to them.
we rise in defiance against the notion that “Only A God
Can Save Us,” are we resolved to elect, before it is too
late, those men who are man enough to identify, articulate and
implement those organizing principles upon which the planet’s
very survival depends?
is something that should be overcome . . . a rope over an abyss.”
© Roberto RomeiRotondo