Moeller is director of the International Center for Media and
the Public Agenda and associate professor with Philip Merrill
College of Journalism & School of Public Policy, University
of Maryland. Her latest book is Packaging Terrorism: Co-opting
the News for Politics and Profit. Other books include Compassion
Fatigue: How the Media Sell Disease, Famine, War and Death
and Shooting War: Photography and the American Experience
of Combat.
recently, the rule was that the curious searched for news. But
now the news finds the young, suggests a recent study of 18-25-year-olds
from around the world. Unlike their pre–Web 2.0 predecessors
who traveled the Internet, students now squat in place on Facebook
pages, Twitter accounts, chat platforms and email accounts,
gathering their news from there.
fact that youths are sitting like spiders in the middle of a
web, content with consuming what flies by, poses serious social
and political consequences in an era where Facebook and Twitter
have become the media of choice for governments and politicians
for public outreach and the opposition’s public square
for organizing protest.
A decade
or more ago there was much public hand-wringing about a then-new
observed phenomenon: The internet was paradoxically limiting
users’ intake of information. Despite the exponentially
increasing amount of news and information accessible online,
librarians, professors, journalists and parents worried that
the marvelous opportunities for serendipitous discovery of new
information when browsing a library’s shelves or paging
through a newspaper were being lost. Internet users weren’t
stumbling over provocative books or articles that expanded or
challenged their understanding of the world, because, so studies
suggested, users went to pages and sites that told them exactly
what they wanted to hear. Using bookmarks and other electronic
means to demarcate where they wanted to go, users commonly visited
specific sites they had pre-identified for news and entertainment.
A study
called “The World Unplugged” was released in April
by the International Center for Media & the Public Agenda
at the University of Maryland. It asked roughly 1000 students
in 10 countries on five continents to give up all media for
24 hours. After their daylong abstinence, the students recorded
their experiences and also completed a demographic survey.
World Unplugged” reported that young users are no longer
traveling the same virtual ruts as before. Students rarely go
prospecting for news at mainstream or legacy news sites, the
study found. They inhale, almost unconsciously, the news served
up on the sidebar of their email account, posted on friends’
Facebook walls or delivered by Twitter. No matter where they
lived, students observe that they’re inundated with information
coming via mobile phones or the internet – text messages,
social media, chat, email, Skype IM, QQ, Weibo, RenRen and more.
college students, whether in developed or developing countries,
are also strikingly similar in how they use media and digital
technologies. Across the world, students reported that the non-stop
deluge of information arriving via mobile phones and online
means that they have neither the time nor the inclination to
follow up on even major news stories. Most students reported
that a short text message from a friend is sufficiently informative
for all but the most personally compelling events.
most students expressed an interest in staying informed, only
a minority of students complained about having to go without
local, national or world news for a day. Some students noted
that they missed a news outlet’s 140-character Twitter
updates, but they weren’t desperate to read or surf the
New York Times, the BBC or their equivalents.
daily news outlets, students have become headline readers via
their social networks. They rarely follow up a story on their
own, content to wait until additional details or updates are
served up via texts, tweets or posts. And because Facebook,
Twitter, Gmail and their counterparts are increasingly a source
reported for receiving news and information, students are cavalier
about the need for traditional news outlets: “We are used
to having information about everything on the planet and this
information we have to have in an unbelievable time,”
observed a student from Slovakia. “Our generation doesn’t
need certified and acknowledged information. More important
is quantity, not quality of news.”
not that students reported a lack of interest in news. In fact,
data from the study suggest that students today both care about
news and are more catholic in their concerns than their immediate
predecessors. Instead, these young adults cared as much about
what their friends were up to as they cared about local and
global news. “I felt a little out of touch with the world,”
reported a student from the UK after going unplugged for 24
hours, “and craved to know what was going on not only
in worldwide news, but with my friends’ everyday thoughts
and experiences, posted in statuses, tweets and blog posts daily.”
that was what was ultimately so fascinating to learn from the
study’s data: Precisely because students were getting
news delivered to them on their social-media platforms rather
than going out and pulling news from specific news outlets,
they take in more and varied kinds of news and opinions than
their predecessors in the pre-Web 2.0 world. When students have
1000 Facebook friends or follow hundreds of Twitter accounts,
there’s bound to be a more expansive range of news and
information coming to them.
professors, journalists and parents may still bemoan this generation’s
loss of initiative and the kind of active curiosity necessary
to gather information in an unwired world, but students today
are plugged into news via their friends in unprecedented ways.
as yet no viable business model for journalists who originate
the news that shows up on social networks, but knowing that
young adults are platform agnostic about how they get updated
should prompt media outlets to consider how and where they deliver
news. A seamless connection between students’ social groups
and their access to news of local and world events may help
enable the kinds of engagement and activism emerging recently
in the Middle East and North Africa. If Facebook, Twitter, chat
and email are already where students around the world meet friends
and learn about global issues, using those platforms to connect
the two in social action is likely to make sense to young adults
everywhere –not just those who live in Egypt, Libya and
with permission from YaleGlobal Online
(c) 2009 Yale Center for the Study of Globalization.