Arts &
Arts Culture Analysis
Vol. 23, No. 4, 2024
Current Issue
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Robert J. Lewis
Senior Editor
Jason McDonald
Contributing Editors
David Solway
Louis René Beres
Nick Catalano
Robert Lyon
Howard Richler
Chris Barry
Jordan Adler
Andrew Hlavacek
Daniel Charchuk
Music Editor
Serge Gamache
Arts Editor
Lydia Schrufer
Mady Bourdage
Jerry Prindle
Chantal Levesque Denis Beaumont
Emanuel Pordes

Past Contributors
Noam Chomsky
Mark Kingwell
Naomi Klein
Arundhati Roy
Evelyn Lau
Stephen Lewis
Robert Fisk
Margaret Somerville
Mona Eltahawy
Michael Moore
Julius Grey
Irshad Manji
Richard Rodriguez
Navi Pillay
Ernesto Zedillo
Pico Iyer
Edward Said
Jean Baudrillard
Bill Moyers
Barbara Ehrenreich
Leon Wieseltier
Nayan Chanda
Charles Lewis
John Lavery
Tariq Ali
Michael Albert
Rochelle Gurstein
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward

the good sense deficit and



David Solway is a Canadian poet and distinguished essayist (Random Walks). His editorials appear regularly in PJ Media. His monograph, Global Warning: The Trials of an Unsettled Science (Freedom Press Canada) was launched at the National Archives in Ottawa in September, 2012. A CD of his original songs, Partial to Cain, appeared in 2019. His latest book of essays, Crossing the Jordan, is now available.

Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer asserted in “Studies in Pessimism” that “Only a philosopher can be happy in marriage” since only a philosopher would be inured to disillusion. This seems probable if one believes, with Schopenhauer, that “love is a deception . . . and marriage is the attrition of love,” and that philosophers are stoic by nature or principle. Schopenhauer was consistent and never married, which is one way out of the dilemma of how to negotiate a happy and fecund relation between the sexes. His is a pretty sterile path not many of us are eager to tread.

There is another issue to consider involving the male distrust of women in general, especially in an age in which feminism has taken over the culture. Long-term intimacy or a legally enduring and stringent relationship, Schopenhauer claims, does not augur well for men. Nature endows women with a brief “richness of beauty” in order to “ensnare the fantasy of a man” who will then provide for them as they give birth, age and grow unattractive. A man who marries will “halve his rights and double his duties.” Schopenhauer’s misogyny is most famously known by his pronouncement that “It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulses that could give the name of the fair sex to that under-sized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race.” (One thinks of Shakespeare’s phrase from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.) Schopenhauer was consistent and never married, which is one way out of the problem he foresaw and feared.

Nonetheless, there is a kernel of good sense in his deposition. Women, he contends, believe that “the welfare of the species have been placed in [their] hands and committed to [their] care. They take the affairs of the species more seriously than those of the individual. The general bent of their character is in a direction fundamentally different from that of man.” Whereas a man who is mature enough to conquer his susceptibility to a woman’s charms “tries to acquire direct mastery over things, either by understanding them, or by forcing them to do his will.” Men evince an empirical tendency to deal with matters at hand, to focus on what needs to be done and to treat with others on a personal basis.

Having laid it down that men are more preoccupied with the individual than with society as a whole, Schopenhauer would not have been surprised, as modern researchers have deduced, that the welfare state that devours the resources of a competitive and flourishing society is largely the product of the woman’s vote, a postulate for which here is much corroborative evidence. As John Lott and Lawrence Kenney depose in the University of Chicago Press Journals, “Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue and more liberal voting patterns . . . as women took advantage of the franchise.” Schopenhauer did not have the statistical apparatus and research facilities of our time, but appealed instead to the authority of Aristotle who, in Politics, states that conceding too much to women and “giving them a great amount of independence … contributed to Sparta’s fall.”

This is a rueful fact we cannot do anything about. But why simply rest satisfied with the question of the female franchise? Why not go all the way and surrender power completely to the activist sorority? Bringing this about was the means adopted by the eponymous heroine of the classical Greek comic playwright Aristophanes’ most famous play Lysistrata (411 B.C.). Lysistrata (the name means ‘disbander of armies’) persuades the women of the warring states of Athens and Sparta to withdraw their sexual favours from their husbands and lovers until they agree to lay down their arms and sue for peace—a strategy for the ages.

Those unfamiliar with the play may recall Spike Lee’s 2015 musical comedy Chi-Raq (a portmanteau for Chicago-Iraq), based on the same theme, in which a bloody war between two rival gangs eventually comes to an end after Lysistrata, the girlfriend of one of the gang leaders, organizes a moratorium on sex until peace is declared. The watchword is: “no peace, no pussy.” Or as Lysistrata puts it in the colloquial translation of the original play, “if we got our men all hard but we backed off, they would cut a peace damn quick.” And of course, the women succeed, having duly weaponized sex.

The issue was parodically broached once again by Aristophanes’ in his last play (392 B.C.) Assembly of Women (Ecclesiazusae), which was far more satirically corrosive. The play humorously pilloried the female takeover of the Athenian Assembly and its dominion over the wider culture. Its instigator, the early feminist firebrand Praxagora, manages to persuade her beta-male husband Blepyrus of the virtues of female control and convinces the male Assembly to hand over the reins of power to the women. The results are as hilarious as they are catastrophic: society descends into mayhem, pagan rituals predominate, and meritocratic distinctions evaporate. There is ruthless feuding for freebies, including sexual favors for unattractive hags at the expense of their more beautiful rivals—an apposite metaphor for the war between mediocrity and merit. As scholar and translator Robert Mayhew summarizes, “Misery is not abolished, it is merely redistributed.”

Neither attitude—male suspicion and disparagement of women nor female denunciation and revulsion of men—appears to be optimal. The dour, misogynistic attitude of Schopenhauer may work for a certain type of philosophical mind, whether cynic or stoic—indeed, according to Xenophon’s Symposium, Socrates himself, that paragon of unflappable wisdom, refers to his argumentative wife Xantippe as “the hardest to get along with of all the women.” Judging from the Platonic Dialogues, he didn’t seem to have much to do with her.

Or on the contrary, for a timid and repressed predisposition like Blepyrus, submitting to the Praxagoran onslaught of sanctimonious feminism may be cowardly but it has its rewards in uxorious quietude, and even a certain celebrity, as enjoyed, for example, by current epicene specimens like Michael Kimmel and Michael Flood.

Yet neither option can lead to a rich contentment, an ordered mutuality in the relations between the sexes, a life without bitterness and rancor among intimates—at least for the vast majority of people for whom skepticism of the woman or contempt for the man are both losing propositions, parched and fallow arrangements of God the Father’s or Mother Nature’s ordained proximities. Of course, gender politics is a marketplace, just like everything else. The central question is inevitably: “What is the price that we are willing to pay for a fraught idea or a domestic misalliance?” The price for either alternative, male suspicion or female control, seems to me rather too high as we see all around us in the disintegration of amity between the sexes and the foundering of a productive culture. Where is good sense to be found? This is the dilemma that confronts us.

By David Solway:

In Praise of Joe Biden
The Underground People
The Bonfire of the So-Called Vanities
No Quality in Socialist Equality
Curse of One-Sentence Paragraph
Recyling Plastic Myths
Among Broken Columns of the Twilight Kingdom
What Is Evil
The Necessity of Walls
Is Western Civ on the Way Out?
On Gravity
The Demonization of Carbon
Honouring the Higgs
Whatever Happened to Reading?
Hyphenated Sex
Skeptical Take on Queen's Gambit
Systemic Envy
Nonsensical Covid Rules
We Have Entered a Looking Glass World
The Socialist States of America
Feminism: A Self-Canceling Project
House Hunters: A Window on a Derelict Culture
The Tattoo: Sign of the Times
Where Have All the Alphas Gone?
They Burn Witches, Don't They?
Aboriginal Claims of Sovereignty
Toxic Feminism

The Scourge of Multiculturalism
Power of the Phrase: Hidden Persuaders
Is Islamic Reform Possible?
Living on the Diagonal
The Birds and the Bees
Free Speech Vs. Hate Speech
The Shaping of Our Destiny
The Scandal of Human Rights
Reconsidering the Feminine Franchise
A Melancholy Calculation
Canada: A Tragically Hip Nation
The Ideal of Perfection in Faith and Politics
The Mystery of Melody
The Necessity of Trump
Dining out with Terrorists
What About Our Sons
Identity Games
The Hour Is Later Than We Think
Caveat Internettor
Why I Like Country Music
We Have Met the Enemy
The Obama Bomb
Don't Apologize Dude
Winners and Losers
Why I Write
Praying by the Rules
Age of Contradiction
Snob Factor Among Conservatives
Islam's Infidels
David Suzuki Down
Infirmative Action
The Education Mess We're In
The Intelligence Potential Factor
Gnostics of Our Time
Decline of Literate Thought
Galloping Agraphia
Socialist Transfer of Wealth
Deconstructing the State
Delectable Lie (Multiculturalism)
The Weakness of the West
When a Civilization Goes Mad
Deconstructing Chomsky
The Multiculti Tango
Utopiah: Good Place or No Place
Palin for President?
The Madness of Reactive Politics
Liberty or Tyranny
Shunning Our Friends
A Culture of Losers
Political Correctness and the Sunset of American Power
Talking Back to Talkbackers
Letting Iran Go Nuclear
Robespierre & Co.
The Reign of Mediacracy
Into the Heart of the United Nations
The Big Lie
As You Like It
Confronting Islam
Unveiling the Terrorist Mind

Arts & Opinion, a bi-monthly, is archived in the Library and Archives Canada.
ISSN 1718-2034

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