Feldstein, a Montreal-based translator who has observed the
climate change debate for over a decade, takes major issue with
David Solway's contention that global warming is not man made.
is in proportion
to the want of true knowledge.
Laurence Sterne
In his article “Global
Warning” (Arts and Opinion, Vol.
7, No. 3, 2008), Canadian poet David Solway denies that the present
episode of global warming is largely caused by human activity.
He opines, “the scientific consensus today is slowly beginning
to shift away from the catastrophism of Gore, Suzuki and the United
Nations IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report, to suggest that
the human contribution to global warming is far less than originally
assumed and that a meteorological calamity is highly unlikely.”
I contend that this is a perfectly testable proposition that he
has not bothered to test. Quite simply, he is wrong, and it is
my duty to the readers of Arts and Opinion to point it
out. The scientific consensus around the crucial aspects of the
Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) remains as robust as ever. Not total -- just, shall
we say, something shy of overwhelming.
What that consensus
says, as a great many of us know, is that today’s episode
of global warming is “very likely” (i.e., with 90%
probability) due to human emissions of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases. The IPCC has determined that our current levels
of emissions put us on track for an atmosphere that is 1.4–5.8
°C warmer by the end of this century. To put this in perspective,
at 1.4 °C, we lose the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean.
At 2 °C, many unstoppable feedbacks are expected to kick
in and it may no longer be possible to prevent runaway climate
change. At 5.8 °C, if the comparable warming during the
great Permian extinctions is any guide, a large percentage of
present life forms disappear forever. To avert a global rise
on the order of 2 °C--– to avert those deadly feedbacks
and keep the future livable -- global human emissions must be
decreased by 60% over the next several decades. We must act
quickly if we want our grandchildren to enjoy a semblance of
the climate we take for granted.
To understand what
a Herculean task Solway has given himself -- the task of showing
that the scientific consensus on global warming is being deserted
-- one has to understand both the nature of the edifice that
he attacks and the process by which science is done and revised
in the present day.
The IPCC was established
in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization with a mandate
to review the scientific literature on global warming and assess
the likeliest outcomes of our current carbon-intensive path.
The body of assessment it has produced covers the work of 2,500
researchers and is probably the largest such scientific endeavour
in history. For this effort, it shared the 2007 Nobel Peace
Prize with Al Gore. Most climate scientists consider its series
of assessment reports to represent the state of the science
on global warming because they are derived from a painstaking
analysis of numerous independent lines of evidence, all converging
on the same conclusions.
It is indeed a towering
consensual edifice, but there is nothing wrong with Solway’s
attempting to topple it. To do so, though, he has to put forward
a group of peer-reviewed studies showing that there is something
critical the IPCC missed or misinterpreted. Peer review is the
process whereby a paper submitted to a journal is reviewed by
a committee of experts in the discipline prior to publication.
The reviewers make sure that the paper makes no egregious errors
of basic understanding and takes account of other peer-reviewed
findings that could alter its conclusions. The fact that a paper
gets through the process does not, of course, make it correct;
it merely makes it a piece of work that scientists have to pay
attention to. The status of peer review as the standard to meet
is disputed by almost nobody in the natural sciences, regardless
of where they stand on global warming. It is the statute on
which the collegial court of scientific opinion is built.
Now, the chances
of Solway finding this untapped body of contrarian work, this
sizeable group of peer-reviewed deserters, are mighty slim.
Since the mandate of the IPCC is to assess every such paper
relevant to climate change, it is hard to imagine what they
could be missing. But we don’t need to rely on deductive
reasoning: Naomi Oreskes, a professor of history and science
studies at the University of California-San Diego, read each
of the 928 peer-reviewed studies containing the phrase “global
climate change” that were published from 1993 to 2003
and concluded that not one of them -- that’s right, none
-- disagreed with the IPCC’s consensus position on human-caused
global warming. Her somewhat restrictive keyword search probably
excluded a few contrarian papers, and others may have appeared
since then. Nevertheless, no one has impugned her overall conclusion
that these papers are very, very scarce.
But Solway’s
article is over 5,000 words long, you may be thinking.
There must be some substantive kernel in there that has got
him worked up. It can’t just be a mess of unsupported
put-downs such as: “The IPCC, which certified and entrenched
the so-called ‘scientific consensus,’ is essentially
a political body with an agenda of its own.” My appraisal,
after diligently sifting through and categorizing every single
one of his references, is that he appears to grasp the importance
of peer review, for he uses the term once, but that in all those
5,000 words of copy he cites exactly one qualifying study that
explicitly casts doubt on the IPCC consensus. Being generous,
one could also include his citation of a letter in Science
by a group of Swedish authors (letters are not peer-reviewed
in the standard sense but rather editorially selected for publication)
which, he maintains, “places the emphasis elsewhere”
than on human causation of the climate crisis. These two papers,
I argue, constitute his entire case that the consensus is “beginning
to shift away” from the IPCC’s conclusions.
How in the warming
world a total of two papers adds up to a “shift away”
in Solway’s mind, I do not profess to know. But before
I rest my case, it is worth dwelling on these two purported
pieces of evidence, since his use of them is typical of certain
rhetorical strategies current among climate contrarians. The
letter is easy to dispense with: It turns out that it supports
the IPCC’s position, not Solway’s. He writes:
study [the letter] . . . co-authored by Rune Graversen [et al.],
while not categorically ruling out human intervention in climate
warming, places the emphasis elsewhere. In attempting to explain
the phenomenon known as “Arctic amplification,”
the study cites “changes in oceanic atmospheric circulation”
as one of the main drivers of observed temperature increases
in the high North.
Why, I wondered
as I read this passage, should “changes in oceanic atmospheric
circulation” be incompatible with the IPCC’s consensus
statement? Couldn’t these changes be the result of human
greenhouse gas emissions (in climate science terms, a “feedback”
rather than a “forcing”)? Does the letter really
“place the emphasis elsewhere”? I decided to ask
Dr. Graversen himself and I wrote to him as follows:
structure of [Solway’s] citation, in my educated layman’s
estimation, misleadingly suggests that your letter represents
a challenge to the IPCC consensus on anthropogenic [human-caused]
global warming when in fact it does not. Could you kindly assist
in determining whether this is the case?
Dr. Graversen wrote
back almost immediately:
are completely right, the reference is misleading. Our letter
does not challenge the general consensus of the scientific
community expressed in the latest IPCC report that most of
the global warming is very likely due to human emissions of
greenhouse gases. (In fact, we phrase this consensus in beginning
[sic] of paragraph two in the letter).
. . .
Arctic amplification is in agreement with theories of global
warming. I’m not aware of any state-of-the-art climate
model which does not show Arctic amplification when it is
forced by increasing the atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
Clearly, Solway
must have nodded off after reading the first paragraph of the
Graversen paper, or he would have seen that it is of no use
to his argument. But his implication that it could
pose a serious challenge to global warming theory, when it does
nothing of the kind, is an all too common feint among climate
As to the study,
by Douglass et al., and a 2004 predecessor by some of the same
authors, these papers relate to a discrepancy between the predictions
of greenhouse models on the one hand, and radiosonde observations
of tropical tropospheric temperatures on the other. Basic thermodynamics
and the greenhouse models predict that the upper troposphere
in the tropics should warm faster than the surface, but the
data is out of line with the predictions. The authors contend
that the data is right and the models are faulty. If so, this
would not refute the existence of human-caused global warming:
the troposphere should warm no matter what the cause of warming
at the surface. But it would spell trouble for the models, implying
the need for a great deal of caution in interpreting their temperature
However, at least
four published papers ignored by Solway take issue with Douglass’s
work. They have found that the structural uncertainty of the
radiosonde data suggests that it is probably the data, and not
the models, that need refinement. One of these authors argues,
“The new analysis adds to the growing body of evidence
suggesting that these discrepancies are most likely the result
of inaccuracies in the observed temperature record . . . ”
Not being a climate
scientist myself, I am not qualified to rule on the contentions
of either side. I can’t comment on Douglass’s rejection
of “the proposition that greenhouse model simulations
and trend observations can be reconciled.” But neither
is Solway qualified to assert that this conclusion is “as
authoritative as it gets.” That’s the kind of superlative
non-scientists use to score a rhetorical point even though,
in doing so, they betray their fundamental misunderstanding
of scientific collegiality. Suffice it to say that the controversy
is highly technical and not easily parsed by a layman. If you
feel inclined to wade into it, prepare yourself with a solid
comprehension of climate concepts such as the moist-adiabatic
lapse rate, vertical wind shear, and the Madden-Julian oscillation.
Get to grips with measurement uncertainty, the importance of
timescale, and other statistical factors. And don’t be
put off by a welter of acronyms -- MSU 2LT, UAH, RAOBCORE, and
ENSO, for a partial list. It’s doable; I’m starting
to get a handle on the topic myself. But it isn’t easy.
Does Solway know what these terms mean? Can he be relied on
to use them appropriately? He didn’t do so well with “Arctic
And so we come face
to face with another standard tactic of the climate contrarians:
Sing the praises of a single study, insist that it has brought
the whole scientific edifice crashing down, ignore contrary
considerations and hope no one looks too closely. If these are
the best exhibits Solway can come up with to assail the scientific
consensus, then I submit that the consensus has escaped unscathed.
Naturally, I would be happy to look at any further evidence
he wishes to present; my only criteria are i) peer review and
ii) dispassionate, hype-free analysis.
For the reasons
explained above, I have deliberately dwelled on these two citations
to the exclusion of much else in Solway’s article. He
should be thankful, for his credibility as a commentator on
the IPCC consensus is compromised to an even greater degree
by his propensity to surround these few valid citations with
a great quantity of fallacies and irrelevancies taken from sources
that carry zero scientific weight. In support of his claim that
human beings do not cause global warming, he cites the blog
of James Inhofe, the Republican senator from Oklahoma who has
no scientific credentials and, reportedly, a larger amount in
oil industry campaign contributions than almost any other American
politician. He adduces a petition signed by such august climate
scientists as “Michael J. Fox,” “John C. Grisham,”
and Spice Girl “Geri Halliwell.” He cites the tabloid
London Express and Rev. Sun Myung-Moon’s Washington
Times. And he quotes a carbon consultant (David Evans),
an agricultural economist (Holly Fretwell), a statistician (Bjorn
Lomborg), a Thatcherite policy advisor (Christopher Monckton),
a coal engineer (Vincent Gray) and the founder of the Weather
Channel. None of these people, to my knowledge, has ever published
a peer-reviewed line in the field of climate change. Their opinions
on the subject are worthless -- or, to put it more charitably,
they are worth no more than yours, mine, or Solway’s.
These sources are
marshaled to support a smattering of equally worthless and discredited
claims that are easy pickings even for a layman. Consider, for
example, Solway’s opening argument, a minor classic in
denialist circles: “Mars is also warming at present,”
he writes, “though it seems there are no SUVs chugging
along the planet’s surface . . . ” The simultaneous
warming on Earth and Mars couldn’t be a coincidence--
could it? -- so it must be caused by the only thing the two
planets have in common: the sun. There’s just one problem:
solar irradiance isn’t increasing now and hasn’t
been for half a century. Furthermore, we have very little evidence
that Mars is warming globally, only at its South Polar Cap,
and that over only a few years. Mars specialists think this
is due to the topography at the pole, and that it is a completely
independent phenomenon from what is happening on earth. Ironically,
if similar evidence were put forward as the sole proof that
the earth is warming, the skeptics would rightly laugh it out
of court.
Or consider his
next stop, the erstwhile scientific dalliance with global cooling.
He writes, referencing the New York Times and something
called the “Global Ecology network”: “And
not so long ago, we might recall, we were all getting ready
to freeze . . . ” Perhaps, but mostly because of scaremongering
from the popular media and other unqualified commentators. It
is a myth put about by certain right-wing websites that 1970s
scientists were wringing their hands in unison over the prospect
of global cooling. On the contrary, they did a remarkably evenhanded
job of expressing the uncertainty that has always gone along,
then as now, with climate predictions. In only one or two cases
did a paper go out on a limb and predict that an Ice Age was
imminent. The US National Academy of Sciences wrote in 1975,
summarizing the state of knowledge at that time, “we do
not have a good quantitative understanding of our climate machine
and what determines its course. Without the fundamental understanding,
it does not seem possible to predict climate.”
I could continue,
but instead I refer you to websites such as realclimate.org
and scienceblogs.com/illconsidered,
where many similar canards are catalogued and debunked. In truth
there is little point in going on, as Solway does not evince
much of an attention span for science anyway. He veritably scurries
to his conclusion -- relax, folks, the sky’s not falling
-- apparently anxious to switch gears and devote the rest of
his piece, more than half of it, to a diatribe against worshipers
of “Gaia,” the “false god.” He doesn’t
just call global warming theorists Chicken Littles and leave
it at that; no, his agenda is lofty moral warfare, a crusade
against earth lovers generally and the degraded ethos they embody.
Environmentalists, he tells us, are suicide cultists, godless
acolytes, nutcases, and fascists. Oh, and we’re also lousy
The whole exercise
resembles a quixotic dash across a perceived battlefield of
science, with our hero nervously jabbing at imagined enemies
and racking up imaginary points. Hah! They predicted cooling
back in 1975! Take that! Safe in the shrubbery, peering out
at the battlefield that is actually a field of windmills, he
declares victory and is free to wax indignant about the godless
religion of environmentalism and its “high priests,”
Al Gore and David Suzuki. In just the same way Don Quixote,
the illustrious hidalgo of La Mancha, created a mental world
of his own in which to wax elegiac about the splendid but fictitious
Amadis of Gaul, that most gallant of the knights-errant. And
to think that instead of tilting at windmills, Solway could
be building them!
In the end he must
face it: The reality of science is not the stuff of swashbuckling
romance. It proceeds in workaday fashion by the steady accumulation
of observations about the real world, which must be continually
subjected to the sort of cool-headed, meticulous analysis at
which Solway has thus far proved inept. If he wants to unseat
the scientific consensus and show that global warming is caused
by a hitherto undetected natural phenomenon, or by environmentalists
spewing hot air, he would do well to start by correcting this
elementary misapprehension.