Schwarcz is Director of McGill University’s
Office for Science and Society. He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on
Montreal's CJAD and has appeared hundreds of times on The Discovery
Channel, CTV, CBC, TV Ontario and Global Television. Dr. Schwarcz
also writes a newspaper column entitled The Right Chemistry
and has authored four best sellers, Radar, Hula Hoops
and Playful Pigs, The Genie in the Bottle,
That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles, and Dr. Joe and
What You Didn’t Know.
They can cause gas. And we don’t need to carry out studies
to prove it. But beans can also reduce the risk of heart disease
and cancer. That claim, however, does require backing from scientific
studies. Ideally, we would like to see an “intervention
study,” in which subjects are organized into two groups
with virtually identical lifestyles except for one aspect of
the diet. The experimental group, but not the control group,
would be treated to a prescribed dose of beans. Both groups
would then have to be followed for many years. I suspect following
the “bean” group would not be a tough task. Unfortunately,
such intervention studies are very difficult to carry out and
researchers are more likely to go for “case-control”
such a trial, a set of patients suffering from a certain disease
is compared with a roughly equal number of healthy people, matched
for age, lifestyle, place of residence, physical activity level,
smoking, body weight and socioeconomic status. This is just
what researchers at Harvard University did to try and tease
out factors responsible for heart attacks in 2,118 individuals
in Costa Rica. Much to their surprise, they found that eating
a third of a cup of beans a day reduced the likelihood of suffering
a heart attack by close to 40%! Just what in the beans is responsible
isn’t clear, but beans are rich in folic acid, magnesium,
vitamin B6, alpha-linolenic acid and fiber, each of which in
theory can have an effect on heart function.
studies” are another way to gain insight into causes of
disease. The health status of a large number of initially healthy
subjects is continuously monitored, as is their lifestyle. Subjects
periodically fill out food frequency questionnaires, which are
then analyzed in terms of specific dietary components. One of
the best examples is the Nurses Health Study, which has followed
over 90,000 nurses for many years, some of whom, as would be
expected, developed breast cancer. Researchers theorized that
the disease might be linked to a reduced intake of flavonols,
compounds that due to their antioxidant potential are believed
to protect against cancer. They therefore investigated the amounts
of tea, onions, apples, broccoli, green pepper and blueberries,
all rich in flavonols, in the nurses’ diet. The results
were unexpected. There was no association between the total
flavonol intake and breast cancer. But women who consumed beans
or lentils twice a week were about 25% less likely to develop
breast cancer than women who consumed them less than once a
month. Just another example of how health effects are determined
by the overall composition of a food, not by individual components.
experiments and animal studies also offer clues about preventing
and fighting disease. It may be these that will eventually shed
light on why beans have anti-cancer properties. The secret just
may lie in inositol pentakisphosphate, a substance found in
beans, as well as in lentils, peas, wheat bran and nuts. Tumour
growth involves many chemical reactions and specific enzymes
play a major role in these. Phosphoinositide 3-kinases, first
discovered in the 1980s, are involved in the development of
lung, ovarian and breast cancer. Substances that block the activity
of these enzymes are therefore obvious targets of research.
Most compounds that have shown efficacy have turned out to be
too toxic for use, but researchers at University College in
London have great hopes for inositol pentakisphosphate which
they have isolated from beans. This compound is remarkably non-toxic
even in large amounts. In laboratory studies on human cells,
the compound inhibited angiogenesis, the process tumours use
to grow the blood vessels they need to supply them with nourishment.
But even more interesting results were found when human ovarian
cancer cells were transplanted into mice. Inositol pentakisphosphate
had an effect comparable to that of cisplatin, the drug commonly
used for ovarian cancer treatment. A further exciting finding
was that this compound enhanced the effect of anti-cancer drugs!
spite of the positive health effects of beans, people worry
about including them in the diet. The fear of course is the
potentially embarrassing emission of gases. Beans contain specific
carbohydrates such as raffinose and stachyose, which are not
broken down by our digestive enzymes in the small intestine.
They therefore proceed to the colon where they delight the resident
bacteria which proceed to gobble them up. Unfortunately for
us, these bacteria produce a number of gases as they dine on
these carbohydrates, some of which, like hydrogen sulphide,
are notoriously odiferous. But science may come to our rescue
here. Marisela Granito and colleagues at Simon Bolivar University
in Venezuela have been investigating this issue for years, and
have now found that fermenting beans with two specific bacteria
of the Lactobacillus species before cooking can lower the concentration
of the offending carbohydrates by 90% without altering the nutritional
value of the beans. They propose that the food industry can
make use of these bacteria to market low-gas beans. Scientists
in India have taken another approach. Using standard food irradiation
technology, they exposed beans to gamma rays and found that
in combination with soaking, most of the stachyose and raffinose
were eliminated.
react quite differently to beans in terms of gas production.
Some can ingest copious amounts without a problem, others drive
friends and family away after eating a single burrito. But even
in the latter case, emissions can be decreased by slowly increasing
bean intake. And in light of everything we know about the benefits
of eating beans, it is worth making the effort. Replacing some
of the meat in our diet with beans is a good idea. Maybe in
that classic fairy tale, Jack didn’t do such a bad thing
when he traded the family cow for the beans that grew into a
giant beanstalk. .