Wow. I just am not sure to believe this or not.
I mean, this would be, like, national news and people would
be dying everywhere from talking on their cellphone. At least,
that's what this article says. No one in my family has a cell
phone but I sort of want one. Now I'm not sure. This is a good
article and I hope it's true and not just some bullshit trying
to scare people out of buying cell phones. And it's true how
humans are being sucked into technology.
Is technology pushing humans forward, or is it
just pulling us apart from the things that really matter, like
love and friendship?
Wow, that's . . . Wow. I'll be careful now with my cell phone.
Does it help if you hold the phone away from your ear?
Please we want more and specified details so that many cell
phone users can be aware of the danger that comes from this
instrument. We also want all operations to be diffused all over
the world. Thank you for everything.
So how does one use a cell
phone safely? I try never to hold the phone against my head.
Instead, I turn the speaker on, so that I and the person on
the other end can hear one another. Is that safe, or should
I use ear phones? Or are yoiu suggesting to not use a cell phone,
period? Thank you.